[SB 263] Our CE package includes the newly mandated Implicit Bias course as well as Fair Housing with an interactive role-play component.
Our DRE approved home study package is guaranteed to satisfy everything needed to renew a Broker Or Salesperson's license!
Pay one low price for all topics combined!
How It Works!
Our home study package is as easy as 1...2...3!
Step 1: Sign Up For An Account!
As soon as you sign up for an account, you will gain instant access to our platform. You will then be able to download our course book in pdf format.
Step 2: Take Quiz
After downloading and reading our pdf course book, you can then take a quiz on a given topic.
Step 3: Take A Final Exam And Print Your Certificate
After reading the book and passing a quiz, you can then take the final exam for a topic. The final step is to print your Certificate. Only 15 credit hours may be accumulated in a 24 hour period.
Why should you choose CalOnlineCE?
It is easy - our high exam pass rates and instructor experience level!
Topics are explained in layman's terms!
We designed our course to be easy to follow. Important topics are followed with real world examples.
We are on the cutting edge of technology!
Our study materials are updated regularly with the most relevant content. Agents are able to access our platform from their PC, smartphones, and tablets.
Students have a 24 hour online access to our study materials!
We also provide a direct communication line between students and our instructors.